UNDP ( Operations Manager )
I. Post Information:
Post Title: Operations Manager (Ref.: UNDP0007)
Pre-classified Grade: ICS-9
Supervisor: DRR
Post No.: 00001009
II. Organizational Context:
Under the supervision of the Deputy Resident Representative, the Operations Manager acts as
an advisor to Senior Management on all aspects of CO management and operations. This
includes strategic financial and human resources management, efficient procurement and
logistical services, ICT and common services consistent with UNDP rules and regulations. The
main role is to lead the operations, ensuring smooth functioning of the CO/programmes/ projects
operations, consistent services delivery and constant evaluation and readjustment of the
operations to take into account changes in the operating environment as and when needed.
The Operations Manager leads and guides the CO Operations Team and fosters collaboration
within the team, with programme staff and with other UN Agencies and a client-oriented
approach. The Operations Manager works in close collaboration with programme and project
teams in the CO, operations staff in other UN Agencies, UNDP HQs staff and Government
officials to successfully deliver operations services.
III. Functions / Key Results Expected:
Summary of Key Functions:
-Ensuring strategic direction of operations.
-Financial resources management and supervision of the Finance team
-Human Resources Management and supervision of the HR team
-Efficient procurement and logistical services and supervision of the Procurement team
-Information and communication management and supervision of ICT team
-Common services organization and management, establishment of partnerships with
other UN Agencies
1-As a member of the CO senior management team (SMT), ensures the strategic direction of
operations focusing on achievement of the following results:
-Full compliance of operations with UN/UNDP rules, regulations and policies, implementation of corporate operational strategies, establishment of management targets and monitoring of achievement of results.
-Establishment of collaborate arrangements with potential partners, a Client relationship Management system for resource mobilization purposes and appropriate operational partnership arrangements.
-CO business processes mapping and establishment of internal Standard OperatingProcedures (SOPs) in Finance, Human Resources Management, Procurement, Logistical services.
-Constant monitoring and analysis of the operating environment, timely readjustment of the operations, advice on legal considerations and risk assessment.
-Knowledge building and sharing with regards to management and operations in the CO, organization of the operations staff trainings, synthesis of lessons learnt/best practices, and sound contributions to UNDP knowledge networks and communities of practice.
2-Ensures effective and accurate financial resources management and supervision of
the Finance team focusing on achievement of the following results:
-Proper planning, expenditure tracking and audit of financial resources, including extra budgetary income in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations.
-Performance of Manager Level 2 role in Atlas for voucher and Treasury transactions approvals, bank reconciliation. Approval of pending disbursements as the “third authority” (cheques, bank transfers, EFT).
-Organization of cost-recovery mechanisms for CO services provided to projects and UN Agencies, including ensuring preparation of proforma invoices for UN agencies.
-Organization and oversight of CO cash management processes, including liquidity management, recommendation of imprest level, risk assessment, bank relationship management; timely accounting and reconciliation of all transactions, security for cash assets on site.
-Monitoring of financial exception reports for unusual activities, transactions and investigation of anomalies or unusual transactions. Provision of information to supervisors and other UNDP staff at HQ of the results of the investigation when satisfactory answers are not obtained.
-Member of bank signatory panel.
-Transaction and stop payment approval on internet banking system.
3- Ensures strategic human resources management and supervision of the HR team
focusing on achievement of the following results:
-CO compliance with corporate human resources policies and strategies.
-Optimal staffing of the office and projects.
-Oversight of recruitment processes in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations, appropriate use of different contractual modalities, contracts management, OM performing the function of HR Manager in Atlas.
-Establishment and maintenance of the proper performance management and staff development systems. Implementation of the Universal Access strategy on learning ensuring access of the staff to role appropriate learning activities.
4- Ensures provision of efficient procurement and logistical services and supervision
of the Procurement team focusing on achievement of the following results:
-CO compliance with corporate rules and regulations in the field and elaboration of the CO procurement strategies including sourcing strategy, supplier selection and evaluation, quality management, customer relationship management, e-procurement promotion and introduction, performance measurement.
-Elaboration of the CO contract strategy including tendering processes and evaluation, managing the contract and contractor, legal implications. Oversight of procurement processes and logistical services in accordance with UNDP rules and regulations, OM acting as Manager Level 2 in Atlas for Purchase orders approvals.
-Proper management of UNDP assets, facilities and logistical services.
5- Ensures proper common services organization and management, establishment of
partnerships with other UN Agencies focusing on achievement of the following results:
-Establishment of common services, maintenance of coordinating machinery to ensure integrated activities on common services and implementation of the UN reform.
-Elaboration of the strategic approach for implementation of common services in line with the latest developments in common services and the best practices.
-Proper planning and tracking of common services budget and of Agencies contributions to the common services account.
IV. Impact of Results:
The key results have an impact on the overall economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of CO
operations as it relates to the use of corporate resources in the following areas:
-Financial services
-Human Resources
-Procurement and logistical services
-Common Services and the implementation of the UN agenda on common services and
joint procurement.
V. Competencies and Critical Success Factors:
Corporate Competencies:
-Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards
-Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP
-Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
-Treats all people fairly without favoritism
Functional Competencies:
-Knowledge Management and Learning
-Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example
-Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills Development and Operational Effectiveness
-Ability to lead strategic planning, results-based management and reporting
-Ability to lead formulation and monitoring of management projects
-Solid knowledge in financial resources and human resources management, contract, asset and procurement, information and communication technology, general administration
-Ability to lead business processes re-engineering, implementation of new systems (business side), and affect staff behavioral/ attitudinal change Management and Leadership
-Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback
-Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
-Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills
-Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities
-Leads teams effectively and shows mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills
-Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills
VI.Recruitment Qualifications:
Education: Master’s Degree or equivalent; preferably in Business ministration, Public Administration, Finance, Economics or related field
Experience: A minimum of 2 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in providing management advisory services and/or managing staff and operational systems and establishing interrelationships among international organization and national governments.
Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages, experience in handling of web based management systems including ERP systems
Language Requirements: Written and Spoken Fluency in English and Arabic.
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