RECPDCL Recruitment 2011 REC Power Distribution Company Ltd : Electrical Assistant Engineer Jobs in India, Current Careers, Latest Vacancies, Openings / opportunities
REC Power Distribution Company Ltd. (RECPDCL) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Rural Electrification Corporation Limited, a Navratna company of Govt. of India. “Navratna is the highest recognition for any Central Public Sector Enterprise (CPSE) and only a few selected CPSEs in the country enjoy this elite status. RECPDCL currently providing consultancy services including third party quality inspection, monitoring of rural electrification works, feeder renovation programme, Energy Audit, HVDS study, Preperation of DPRs, etc., of various state power sector companies in the country. To meet its growing business requirements RECPDCL requires 8 Assistant Engineers (Electrical) on Fixed Tenure basis initially for a period of 2 years extendable for another 1 year.
Job requirements :
The job involves inspection and monitoring of various electrification works in power distribution systems including Rajiv Gandhi Gramin Vidyutikaran Yojana (RGGVY), Feeder Renovation Programme (FRP) & other works such as energy audit works, electrical safety audit, material inspection, preparation of Detailed Project Reports (DPR), etc. Normally, the assignments requires extensive travelling across the country. Further, good computer knowledge and ability to understand and prepare reports on the works mentioned above are essential.
Essential Qualification : B.E./B.Tech./ B.Sc (Engg.) AMIE in Electrical discipline (including Electrical, Electrical & Electronics, Power Engineering) from a recognized University/ Institution with 1st division (minimum 60 % marks in aggregate).
Age Limit : Upper age limit is 30 years.
General Information :
The incumbents are liable to be transferred/ posted anywhere in India at the discretion of the company. The selected candidate/s should be able to join at the earliest. The cut off date for age and experience will be 01.7.2011. RECPDCL reserves the right to relax age/experience/qualification & other qualifying criteria in deserving cases. Mere fulfilling of eligibility criteria shall not confer any right to the applicant for being called for the interview/ engagement. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate. The Corporation reserves the right to cancel/ amend the advertisement and/or the selection process there under. The number of positions filled may increase or decrease depending on the requirement of RECPDCL at the time of engagement.
HOW TO APPLY : Eligible and interested candidates should visit/ log on to , or to download prescribed application format. Application received in any other format will not be entertained.
Incomplete, unsigned applications, application without attested copies proving age, qualifications including specialization, class, % of marks, experience, reservations, and applications received late due to postal delays etc. will not be considered. A recent passport size photograph should be affixed in the right hand top corner on the front page of the prescribed application format.
The envelope duly super-scribed as ‘Application for the post of Assistant Engineer (Fixed Tenure) containing the duly filled in and signed application (in the prescribed format) along with the attested copies of the said enclosures should be sent to the Chief Manager( HR) so as reach RECPDCL by 01.07.2011 up to 6 PM at the address indicated below:
REC Power Distribution Company Limited
1016-1023, 10th floor, Devika Towers,
Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019
Tel: 011-44128755,
Fax: 011-44128768
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