UNDP (Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager)
United Nations Deployment Programme :
I.Position Information
Project Title: Capacity Development of the General Information Authority
Project No: 00074345
Job code title: Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager
Supervisor: Project Steering Committee
Reference Number: UNDP0010
In order for the General Information Authority to deal with the ever-growing demands of a rapidly
growing economy, and the accompanying need for enrichment in data, statistics and information,
it has been concluded that a comprehensive policy to improve the capabilities of the institution as
well as its employees is essential for the fulfillment of GIA’s mandate. Libya is and has for the last
couple of years been primed for a period of economic growth and development. UNDP, being
one of the oldest and most active partners with the government, has had agreements with senior
counterparts in the Libyan Government to assist in the building of institutional capacities to
ascertain the sustainability of the current growth process. UNDP is therefore, involved in various
technical cooperation projects with the General Information Authority (GIA), particularly in
supporting the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the national human
development report for Libya. Accordingly, UNDP is implementing a Capacity Assessment (CA)
and Capacity Development (CD) review for the General Information Authority (GIA), the key
national institution engaged in the collection, assimilation, analysis and distribution of information
within the Jamahiriya
III.Organizational Context:
Under the supervision of the Project Board, and project steering committee, the Capacity
Development Consultant/Project Manager leads the project implementation, and ensures that the
project produces the results specified in the project document, to the required standards of quality
and within the specific constraints of time and cost.
The Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager works in close collaboration with the
Staff and management of General Information Authority, Project assurance, supported by the
national project coordinator, guiding and supervising team leaders / international experts,
cooperates with Programme and Operations staff in the UNDP CO and ensures consistent
service delivery.
IV.Functions / Key Results Expected:
-In close consultation with the General Information Authority and UNDP the Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager shall have responsibility for day to day management of the project inputs and ensure that project activities are carried out within the approved budget in accordance with the agreed work plan.
-In consultation with the General Information Authority and UNDP the Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager shall have the responsibility for development of ToRs for conducting capacity assessment review missions for all departments of General Information Authority.
-Guide and coordinate the activities of external experts/contracted entities recruited for this project.
-In consultation with the training office at GIA, coordinates development and implementation of Capacity development and training plans for the General Information Authority.
-The Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager shall have the responsibility for work plans preparation, revision in consultation with the steering committee, and submission to the project board for approval.
-In close consultation with UNDP and General Information Authority, the Capacity Development Consultant/Project Manager will be responsible for preparing and coordinating project review meetings involving relevant stakeholders to assess and review status of project.
-Provision of quarterly progress reports and any additional reports as may be required by the steering committee or the project board or project assurance to assess progress against work plan and output targets.
-Ensure effective implementation of the project annual work plan, budgeting, resource allocation, workload management, and performance assessment, as well as training of selected officials on programme and project management.
-Maintaining communication with different stakeholders on the project developments and activities.
V.Impact of Results :
The key results have an impact on developing technical as well as functional capacities of staff
and management towards improving the efficiency of General Information Authority thus
strengthening national data management systems, a key outcome of the UNDP Country
Programme for 2011-2014, as endorsed by the Libyan government.
VI.Competencies and Critical Success Factors:
Corporate Competencies:
-Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values
-Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
Functional Competencies
Knowledge Management and Learning
-Shares knowledge and experience
-Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more practice areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills
Development and Operational Effectiveness
-Ability to perform a variety of standard specialized and non-specialized tasks and work processes that are fully documented, researched, recorded and reported.
-Ability to review a variety of data, identify and adjust discrepancies, identify and resolve operational problems
-Ability to handle a large volume of work
-Knowledge of administrative rules and regulations
-Strong IT skills, knowledge of Atlas is an asset
-Ability to provide input to business processes re-engineering, implementation of new systems
Leadership and Self-Management
-Focuses on result for the client and responds positively to feedback
-Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude
-Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure
Recruitment Qualifications:
Education: Masters in MBA, Public Administration, Social Sciences, or related fields.
Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience in Project or programme Management. Experience in applying
internationally recognized methodologies of Capacity development. Knowledge of statistics and information management is an asset, experience in usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
Language Requirements:
Fluency in spoken and written English
Deadline : 15-9-2010
Pls. send your Application-CV as MS-Word or PDF attachment to : libya.hr@undp.org
Please note that if you don't mention the (Reference Number) your request will be automatically dropped
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